Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Another find day in the Theater of the Absurd

The diner I eat at has the "news" on T.V., so I watch it out of amusement.

- Some person name Jane on Fox was ranting and railing, getting red in the face, about some non-entity name Snookie. HeHeHe.

- They "reported" "new" allegations about Lance Armstrong and doping. Of course, it was from that always reliable news source, Anonymous. News or rumor mongering? Belly laugh!

- Someone was touting a "new" weight loss technique showing a man in his sixties (?) with 6 pack abs. Buy our product and we'll show you how. I'll tell you the secret for free - count calories, exercise, and heavy weight training to lose weight and get 6 pack abs. Thank you, no. I can spend my money at the Y.   Snort!

- Someone else was touting a new walk-in bath tub for the elderly. They were giving $1500 rebate plus $750 manufacturer's rebate -  $2250 in all. How much do they sell this normally to fleece the elderly? Fire sale? Soak the elderly instead! Gasp!

- As I left, another shill was saying, "Buy my book and I'll show you how to get out of debt". What he really meant was, "Buy my book and I can live in luxury!" In the background was a customized motor home with custom painting. The paint job alone with keep a family of four for a few months! P.T. Barnum knew how to get out of debt - "There's a sucker born every minute!"

- The news comments have already turned into another game of "are too, am not" and "my dad's bigger than your dad", libtards vs. dumbcons. LOL!


So much for the light side of absurdity. Time to dwell on more serious themes of the absurd posed by Chaplain, Stan Laurel, Groucho, and the great absurdist of them all, W.C. Fields. 

My boulder is near to the top. I suppose its time for it to roll down the hill again. 


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