Sunday, February 6, 2011

Roller Derby Reemerges as a Recognized Sport

We have a burgeoning women's flat track roller derby team at one of the last local roller rinks here in the Santa Clara Valley, in the San Franciso Bay area. They're the Silicon Valley Roller Girls (SVRG), sanctioned by a national organization, the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) with teams all over the US (See the movie "Whip It "). Roller derby has now gained international recognition, as a member of the USA Roller Sports (USARS) and the USA Olympic Committee.

The derbies have gotten so popular that the games are sold out at least a week in advance.

Its a family affair, noted with signs at the door, an announcement over the PA, carding at the beer stand and 3 burly, fit, Police Sergeants (i.e., experienced field supervisors; in San Jose, they can have 1/2 dozen officers there in minutes if the need arose). Attendees range from infants in arms to senior citizens (like me) Although beer is on sale, the place does not get rowdy, even given the small venue and the noise level. Its just plain fun for everyone.

The preteen girls emulate their favorite skater, not some rock star. The skaters use such names as Beth Sentence, Cyn Tax,  Cole Cocked, Booty Vicious, Bozo Disposo, Catherine Beata Bones, Death by Dollface, Rot Wheels, Belle Winger, Retox Fox, Lindsay Lowhanded and the like. Some of coaches and refs are Left Turn Only (skating the other way is a no-no), Texas Tea Bag, Frida Khill*ya, the Seven Year Bitch, Weavin Kohl Bear, and Jonny Demonic.  LOL.

Even though its a fast, rough, knock down sport, the women, in "real life" are school teachers, office workers and managers, high tech specialists (after all, it is Silicon Valley), retail sales clerks, waitresses, and many other backgrounds of every differnet marital status. They use roller derby to work out their aggressions!.  In civvies, you would never guess that they play such a rough sport (though the bumps and bruises might show in a bikini). Except for a few, none of them are alternative or have tattoos.

Also, there are more and more lesbian couples, from mid twenties to mid forties. Its a sport that they can embrace. The Bulls were easily distinguishable from their femmes. For most, Saturday night was their first time at the derby, though its been going on for over two years.

And the BDSM crowd with leather bustiers are coming out (pardon the pun on closets and bustiers)

I just hope that they can find a better venue as the one they are in might be torn down and turned into yet another apartment complex (greed over quality of life everytime, except for the rich man's golf courses!).


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