Sunday, December 26, 2010

Facebook Lynch Mob hysteria

Facebook post falsely accuses man of Philadelphia stranglings

 There seems to be a serial killer active in Philadelphia. "Fears of a serial killer stalking women in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, have prompted some residents to take matters into their own hands -- and onto the internet, with frightful results for one man."

"Police say a male Philadelphia resident was falsely accused of being responsible for three strangulation murders and three other assaults that have occurred in the central Philadelphia area in recent weeks. The post contained a photograph of the man and listed his address and contact information, police spokesman Lt. Ray Evers told CNN."

"Shortly after the posting, a group of people began gathering outside the man's home, prompting him to call the police, according to Evers."

DNA evidence proved he was not the killer.

(this lousy editor does NOT give you what you see! I will not apologize for how it has mangled this post and made it double spaced after publishing!)


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