Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Irony of the Republicans And The Color Red

What am I missing, as usual? Bear with me as I think this out.
  • We rebelled against England, whose flag is a red cross with a white background - no blue (the Saint George's Cross) Flag of England
  • When the Bolsheviks (communists) won their rebellion against the Czarists, the war was described as the "reds" vs the "whites".
  • When the USSR was formed in 1922, their flag was almost entirely red with a gold hammer and sickle
  • People in the USA during the depression were attracted to communists, but it was ultimately rejected in this country. Their banners were red.
  • After WWII, as Churchill put it, an iron curtain descended over the world, separating the reds from the west.
  • The Stalinist pogroms literally turned the fields of the USSR red as did the communist Chinese and Pol Pot. They make Hitler look like a piker.
  • We had an air lift to Berlin to save it from the reds
  • We fought a war against the reds in Korea at a great loss of life with 37,000 Americans killed and ten times that many other combatants and civilians killed. Not to mention the enormous cost of the war.
  • We "fought" a cold war against the reds, engaged in brinkmanship, and expended probably trillions on the arms and space race.
(can you see where I am going with the symbolism of the color "red"?)
  • We had a committee ferreting out the "red menace" in our arts and media which ruined the careers of many fine Hollywood artists (the House Un-American Activities committee has since been discredited, but the damage had already been done.) The list of those branded "reds" or "fellow travelers" is truly impressive Hollywood blacklistees
  • Red-baiting is the act of accusing, denouncing, attacking or persecuting an individual or group as communist, socialist, or anarchist, or sympathetic toward communism, socialism, or anarchism. The word "red" in "red-baiting" is derived from the red flag signifying radical left-wing politics.
(Wait for it!)
  • We fought a protracted war in Vietnam with tremendous loss of life (55,000 Americans killed alone), both combatant and civilian, against the reds
  • The countries that are still communist drape banners and fly flags which are, imagine that, red. The flags of the Vietnam, China, and North Korea are all red or mostly red.
  • We still refer to the "commies" as reds.
So, with this in mind, can we ironically say, as the Republican had impressive wins at the polls in the "red" states that

The red menace has taken over the country!

(Peace, Skepticism, Bright, Humanism, Green, TED)

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