Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Sarah Palin

In the spirit of this blog - the World is a Madhouse. This could be "tongue in cheek" or not. I haven't decided.

Of Michael Palin, his associate on Monty Python, John Cleese says,

"Michael is no long the funniest Palin!"

The election is over, so I am not politicking. I am merely expressing my opinion on a very naive person who thinks she is the savior of American. 

Who in their right mind would vote for her? She'd make G.W. Bush look like a genius. 

At least Arnie is completing his two terms in office as he was elected to do. Sarah Palin is a quitter and did not complete her commitment to her constituency. She couldn't even serve out one term. And I don't care what the conservative pundits try to spin, the fact is that she quit.

Not only that, she is very naive about how things really work. 

How do the states they governed stack up? Which do you suppose is the hardest to govern?

If California were a country, it would be the 8th largest country in GDP in the world behind the US (less California), Japan, China, Germany, France, the UK, and Italy. Alaska would be 43rd. What experience does Palin have in handling a large economy? How would be be able to handle a trillion dollar budget? 

California's population would rank as the 35th largest country in the world. Alaska would be the 160th out of 224. What experience does Palin have in handling a large population? How would she be able to handle 300,000,000 people?

California has the largest population in the USA. Alaska is the 48th.
The entire population of Alaska would only make it the 5th largest city in California.  The largest city in Alaska is Juneau with 35,000. Wasalia, where she was mayor, has a population of 10,000. What experience does Palin have in handling large urban areas? NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago?

California is a culturally rich state. There is no ethnic majority - with 42% Caucasian, 37% Latino, 13% are Asian, 7% are black  and 1-2% are other ethnic groups. Alaska is not very diverse with 70% of its residents Caucasian, 16% native Americans, and only 14% are spread over the other ethnic groups. What experience does Palin have in dealing with a diverse population? 

(The majority of Latinos in California are natural born citizens with roots back to Juan Cabrillo in 1542 and the Conquistadors in the 18th century. The Spanish were settling California at the same time the Anglo-Saxon were settling the East Coast. Or they are naturalized citizens. English as a native language? Some Californians with a long, proud history in this state have never learned to speak Spanish - it is their heritage.)

Palin is quite proud that her state does not have a state income tax or a state sales tax. Why not? Because they tax the oil companies. Talk about kowtowing to special interests!

She even had the bald faced effrontery to say "In her State of the State address on January 17, 2008, Palin declared that the people of Alaska "can and must continue to develop our economy, because we cannot and must not rely so heavily on federal government [funding].

Talk about hiprocasy!

(see support for her entire State Government by special interest, above)
(see dividends, below)
(see "who pays", below)
(see pork, below)

Palin is quite proud that Alaska pays a substantial dividend each year to each resident. Who pays for it? Again, the oil companies. 

She criticized Arnie about his deficits and financial woes. ??? Alaskan oil money kept on rolling into Alaska while the rest of the US was in financial trouble. What rock was she hiding under? 

Let's follow the money. The oil companies do NOT absorb the tax out of the goodness of their hearts. These are the same people who gave us smog, contaminated ground water, oil spills in the Santa Barbara channel,  the Gulf Coast, in Alaska from the Exxon Valdez, and many other examples of vandalism against nature and humanity. To say nothing of their obscene profits.

Who does pays for the Alaskan state government, state services, state salary (even Palin's when she was governor)?

Have you seen the gas prices decrease during the recession. No, they have gotten higher. Have you seen the oil companies profits decrease during the recession? No, they have reached record highs!

Well, they would absorb the taxes out of the goodness of their hearts if the had ones! But they pass the taxes on to the consumers charged as an expense.

Bottom line is that you and I pay for Alaska's government, pay their salaries, pay their medical, pay their pensions, and support the Alaskan people each and every time we pump a gallon of gas! 

The good people of Alaska smile all the way to the bank. And Sarah hasn't even had the good grace to acknowledge it and thank us!

Pork (government funding)? Alaska is the second highest recipient of pork per person in the US (to build bridges to nowhere?)

Who pays for their pork. Those states that actually have a negative receipt of pork, i.e., they pay out, not receive, i.e. New Jersey, New York, California, and those states that have a large population.

Again, Sarah hasn't even had the good grace to acknowledge it and thank us!

Global warming? The voters in California rejected a play by the special interests to reduce or eliminate future "green" regulations in the future. (Who are they kidding - they'd just pass the extra cost on to the consumer?). 

Palin doesn't think there is global warming. However, the start of Iditarod sled dog race had to be moved from her beloved Wasilia further north to Willow BECAUSE WASILIA WAS NO LONGER GETTING ENOUGH SNOW! Sarah, let's work on 1+1=2 before you make any other ill informed statements.

At least the good people of Delaware did not elect that dingbat Christine O'Donnell, one of her darlings

"You can't cheat an honest man. Never give a sucker an even break. And never smarten up a chump an even break" W.C. Fields

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." Abrham Lincoln (attributed)
Which are you? I mean, really, which are you? Honest, sucker, or chump or fool? All of the time?

It seems like the Tea Bagers are both chumps and fools. And Sarah Palin is their savior!  Can anyone be that naive? Are the blind leading the blind?

Do I hear horn swoggle in the air? How about hog wash?

Alaska Profile

California Profile

Sarah Palin

(Peace, Skepticism, Bright, Humanism, Green, TED)

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