Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who Got Us Into This Recession In The First Place?

You gotta love um. Who else will? Scrooge had to have a revelation before he became aware of peace, harmony, and cooperation. "Bah, Humbug" ought to be the Republican motto.

The Republicans got us into this recession but they have been blaming the current administration for not getting us out fast enough. They have been obstructing the recovery process at every step along the way. 

Do they really think that a Republican House could do any better? With a Democratic Senate? Of course the House will take credit for the accelerating improvement of the economy, although the current administration and the Democratic Congress paved the way and we have already seen positive improvements.

And Sarah Palin and the Tea Bagers are front and center.
Hasn't any body asked these questions:
  • Despite his shortcomings, doesn't anyone remember that Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II, higher than Eisenhower and Reagan.
  • Didn't Clinton leave us a healthy economy when he left office?
  • How could the stock market fall from 14,000 to 6,000 under a Republican administration and Republican Congress? 
  • How could we dive into the deepest recession almost since the great depression under a Republican administration? Don't blame it on the Democrats because it was well into G.W.'s 2nd term when it started.
  • How could the Republicans let the lending institutions run rough shod over the economy?
  • Why did we put the Republicans back in control of the House? Have they changed their spots? 
  • Why are the oil companies and their minion, the state of Alaska, still soaking us at the gas pump during the recession as they gain record profits?See my entry Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Sarah Palin
Somehow they haven't noticed that, since Obama took office,
  • the stock market has made a steady climb, currently at 1.8 times the value he started with  
  • Unemployment is leveling off or actually showing signs of decline
  • Companies have been restructured and are coming out of bankruptcy
  • Marginal financial institutions have gone out of business or have been absorbed by more stable ones.
  • Companies that have been bailed out are now accountable
  • Companies are re-evaluating the "wisdom" of off shoring as they pump money into foreign countries thus actually driving up the cost due to increased wages, etc.
  • Hiring is starting to pick up
  • My grandson now has health care - his mother is on unemployment and no huge corporation or greedy CEO is paying her way. 

Return to what makes this country great? G.W. Bush? Runaway corporations? Alaska soaking the rest of us at the gas pump, paying for their state economy? Roll back the Democrats initiative on civil rights? Or social security? Back to Republican presidents Coolidge and Hoover, who gave us the great depression?

Somehow this rhetoric sounds very much like another loose cannon - Adolf Hitler!

Be afraid! Be very afraid! 

(Peace, Skepticism, Bright, Humanism, Green, TED)

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