Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Still More From the Election Silly Season

"North Carolina No Convicted Felons for Sheriff Amendment: If this measure passes, a North Carolina Constitutional Amendment would prevent anyone convicted of a felony from running for sheriff. It is important to note that in the May 4 primary six convicted felons ran for sheriff in North Carolina."

Then again, who would be left to run?

" Oklahoma voters will decide if English will be the officially recognized language of their state.
State representative Randy Terrill was the primary force behind this measure, also known as SQ751. The Oklahoma Daily lists Terrill's reasons for proposing this act, including reducing "costs, conflicts and burdens that are inherently associated with bilingualism and multilingualism." In essence, Terrill says the costs of printing signs and literature in multiple languages is too expensive."

The the Okies should not visit California. They would find the signs too bewildering. By the way, a lot of Okies migrated to California during the depression. Read "Grapes of Wrath".

Or as Steve Martin once put it
"... America should let in all foreign nationals, provided they could speak the native language: Apache"

"Rhode Island Name Change Amendment, Question 1: On Nov. 2, Rhode Island voters will decide if the official state name should be shortened from "Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" to "Rhode Island."

The current name is not PC enough...

President Obama made an historic appearance Wednesday night on Comedy Central's "Daily Show with Jon Stewart."
Stewart's questioning did lead to a lighter moment on the Comedy Central show, though. Asked why former Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers was appointed one of Obama's chief economists in what was billed as a "change" administration, Obama was defensive.

"Larry Summers did a heck of a job," the president said in a very serious tone.

But the audience quickly began to laugh, clearly remembering George W. Bush's famous, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job," line to former FEMA chief Michael Brown during the Hurricane Katrina crisis.

Stewart interjected: "You don't want to use that phrase, dude."

Obama smiled and added, "pun intended."

John Stewart is considered the most influential man in the World. Obama is only 21!

The continuing saga of Ron Blagojevich's, ex-governor of Illinois

"U.S. District Judge James Zagel rejected the defense contention that prosecutors brought an overly complicated case that confused the jury and then damaged Ron Blagojevich's right to defend himself by limiting his lawyers at every turn."

"Defendant's motion is founded in substantial part on the well-known principle that if a lawyer cannot attack the law or the facts in a criminal prosecution, the only recourse is to attack the prosecutor," Zagel said. "One aspect of the case that makes it clear that the defense had no attack on the law or the facts … is that defense counsel did not, and correctly so, choose to attack the evidence" of Blagojevich's guilt on the lone count of conviction."

Uh, it was so complicated that the jury was deadlocked on 23 other charges and Ron was not convicted of them? Yet, his lawyer's were limited at every turn (well, only one in 24, but who's counting)??? What do they want? A retrial of the other 23 not guilty decisions? ??

(Peace, Skepticism, Bright, Humanism, Green, TED)

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