Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is wikipedia now the source for all information???

Is Wikipedia now the source of all information on the internet? 

I found a factual error in Wikipedia, described below.
So, how do you tell Wikipedia of the error? You don't! Fix it yourself they say, with a reference.

Therein lies the rub. All searches on Google, Yahoo, and Bing lead back to the Wikipedia page in error! Some character has copied the erroneous page into Facebook, thus mindlessly propagating the error even further!

I do not have a reference and I can't decipher the Wikipedia "language". All I could do was make a note on the discussion page and hope someone fixes it.

As you can below, so much for the self-proclaimed accuracy of Wikipedia.

I was doing a little research and the Germanic WWI award "The Blue Max" had morphed into "The Order of Merit". The awards are equivalent to the Order of The British Emperor (MBE, OBE, etc), Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Congressional Gold Medal.

I found what appears to be an error in Wikipedia on the page (Federal Cross of Merit) German federal cross of merit. The "medal" and "cross" ribbons are reversed. If you look at the page, anyone semi familiar with the Teutonic mind would see the ribbons are probably reversed. The first order should have no decoration and the second ribbon should have the cross. Look at the titles for each ribbon. The error becomes even more obvious.

Undauntedly, I tried searching for German entries and found a more definitive page (don't ask me how) under Der Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Bundesverdienstkreuz)

As you can see, the Verdienstmedaille (medal), the first level, does not have a cross on it. The third level, Verdienstkreuz 1. Klasse (cross) does have a cross.
The German Order Museum confuses the matter even further, showing the same problem as Wikipedia. 

(Don't ask me about the Miniaturen zum Verdienstkreuz am Bande für Arbeitsjubilare)

(Peace, Skepticism, Bright, Humanism, Green, TED)

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