Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Return to Racism in Conservative Politics

"... you're not going to see me out there chirping away (at Obama). ... I want our president to succeed. I love our country." -- G.W.

What is all this Republican invective about getting Obama out of office? Some of them say that this is the primary goal of the Republican Party. Is some it racial bias?

It seems to me that the Tea Party is not very racially, culturally, and ethnically diverse. Nor is the Republican Party.

Have they forgotten that one of the things that has made America great is its diversity

What continents, countries, and ethnic heritages do our ancestors come from? We are descended from Native Americans, Europeans, Africans, Asians, Australasians, and so many more.

Latin Americans

It seems that the conservatives  have focused so much on illegal immigrants that they've denigrated the Latin heritage in this country. They seem to have forgotten that the vast majority of Latino's are American Citizens going back to the Mexican-American war when America's spoils were the Southwest and all its residents became Americans. The "mexicans" aren't Mexicans. They are Americans. 

Is their grasp of U.S. history so scant that they have forgotten that America was discovered by a Latin, Columbus (not the English)?  That the Spaniards established the oldest surviving settlement in America, and settled the Southwest when the English Colonies were being established. Do they not recall that Spanish was the primary language of the Southwest until well into the 19th century. I doubt that few know that there are proud U.S. Citizens, veterans, leaders, responsible members of our society, whot can trace their ancestors back to the first European conquistadors.

Are the people in Arizona that dense? Is Jose Arpaio, sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona, that dense? Don't they know who their people are? 31% of their state is Hispanic/Latinos. What are they going to do? Stop every third person?

Take Leo Carillo for example, the Cisco Kid's sidekick.

Leo was born in an adobe in the Plaza in L.A. His ancestry that goes back to the exploration of California, a settler of San Diego, a governor who controlled 70,000 acres in what is now West Los Angeles, a signer to the capitulation to the Americans, an L.A. judge, and a Santa Monica mayor. For Leo's service to California, there is a state beach and a state park named after was well as several state historical sites.  A fixture in the Rose Parade, he and his mounted posse carried an American Flag. I know he was a proud U.S. citizen and American. 

The Cisco's Kid sidekick, Pancho

I remember a conversation with a colleague from the mid west. We were having lunch and he wanted to know, "why don't the "mexicans" speak English. After all, this is America." I gently pointed out that we were on Santa Teresa blvd. in the city of San Jose, in the county of Santa Clara, in the state of California. The state's largest cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco. The Spanish speaking got here before "us"!

There is no majority ethnic group or race in California!. Anglos account for, at most 43%. Latinos account for 37% . Other groups are 20%. Illegals do account for 7.3% of the population; i.e. 80% of the Latinos are American Citizens! The "mexicans" he was referring to were bilingual Americans.

Rather than wanting our president to succeed because we love this country it seems that the conservatives are intent on driving the divisions even deeper.

(Peace, Skepticism, Bright, Humanism, Green, TED)

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